Tibetan Train Tour from Lhasa To Nyingtri (Nyingchi)
It’s a very great news to share with all the tourists around the world that the Lhasa to Nyingtri rail way has been completed. The Lhasa to Nyingtri rail way construction was started on 19th December in 2014 and the total distance of the railway is 435.48km from Lhasa to Nyingtri. The speed of the train is around 160Km per hour and it only takes 3 hours and 29 minutes to reach Nyingtri from Lhasa.
The Lhasa to Nyingtri rail way has 47 tunnels and it covers of 216.5Km distance of the total distance of Lhasa to Nyingtri rail way which means the tunnels cover around 54% distance of Lhasa to Nyingtri rail way. There are three high speed trains from Lhasa to Nyingtri and among them, one of the train is coming from Shigatse to Lhasa and then continue to Lhasa. There are around 755 passengers seats on the train.
The Lhasa to Nyingtri railway takes you through Gongkar county which is near by Gongkar airport, Zhanang county which is the county seat where the Mindroling monastery is, Tsetang which is one of the 7 largest cities in Tibet and it is also the cradle of Tibet, Sangri county which is the county seat where the Olka Choelung monastery and Sangri Kangmar monastery. The monasteries have more than 500 years history, Gyatsa county which is the place where Tibet’s most sacred lake is located called Lhamo Lhatso, Nang county which is the county seat where it was the birth place of the 13th Dalai Lama, Miling county which is the county seat of where the great source of Tibetan herbal medicine comes from and Nyingtri which is one of the seven largest cities of Tibet and it is the place where there is full of dense forest and the great canyon of the Brahmaputra river.
If you take the Lhasa to Nyingtri rail way, you will see beautiful Tibetan villages, green grassland, snow mountains, Bramaputra river. full of dense forest, historical Tibetan monasteries and beautiful natural landscape.
The Lhasa to Nyingtri rail way is a part of the railway from Sichuan to Lhasa and the rail way from Chengdu to Lhasa will be finished in around 5 years. Chengdu is the capital city of Sichuan and if the railway between Chengdu and Lhasa is finished, you will arrive in Lhasa within 13 hours time so the distance between mainland China and Lhasa has become much shorter which gives more easier opportunity for the travelers who like to travel to Tibet on a cheaper price as the train ticket is much cheaper than the flight ticket from Chengdu to Lhasa. The scenery of the Tibet train tour from Chengdu to Lhasa will be one of the most beautiful parts in the world.
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