![featured image](https://shambhala-adventure.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Nenang-monastery-173.jpg)
Nenang monastery is located on the right side of the road to Tsurpu monastery in Gurum village at the distance of 35Km from Lhasa and it was founded by the first Zhamarpa Tokden Drakpa Senge in 14th century and it later became the seat of the successive incarnations of the first Pawo Chuwang Lhundrup Rinpo che in 15th century, the most renowned of whom was the historian the second Pawo Tsuklak Trengwa in 16th century. The main things that we can see in Nenang monastery are the Lhakang Chenmo and Jampa Lhakang which is also the assembly hall of the monastery. Jasmpa Lhakang is dedicated to the statue of Maitreya Buddha and a throne of Pawo Rinpoche. There is also a large gilded stupa reliquary containing the ashes of the tenth Pawo Rinpoche who passed away in India, flaked by two smaller ones containing relics of the sixteenth Karmapa and the fifth Pawo Rinpoche.