Tibet is the highest region on the planet and Mt Everest, the earth’s highest mountain is located in Tibet. Religion is very important to all the Tibetans and it has a very strong effect on all the aspects of their lives. There is nothing that can make your visit to any country more memorable than experiencing its culture to the deepest. The same holds true for Tibet, wonderful small land of culturally rich people. If you are planning a tour to Tibet, check with your travel agent if he offers a family stay tour in Tibet. You can get a wonderful personal experience of the culture of Tibet and the daily life when you stay with a Tibetan host family. These Tibetan home-stays are simply incomparable and they are adventurous apart from being safe.
Tibet family tours are offered by the travel agents who make the arrangements in either nomadic tents or in local houses as per your preferences. Most of these families are well-known to the local travel agents and have been offering their houses for homestays. Many times, the homestays are combined with guesthouses and hotels. You may even have the option of camping under the stars. A stay with the family of nomads will offer you are completely different experience, such as milking the dri (female yak) and making cheese. If you wish to stay with rural farmers or nomads, you will get a chance to experience a very basic, simple, and rustic lodging. No matter what you select, these homestays offer an array of memorable adventures of one and all.
This small quaint region has its own do’s and don’ts for the foreigners who opt for a Tibet family stay tour apart from the regular tour. One of the main objectives for a family stay tour in Tibet is that you can experience the centuries-old culture and daily life of the local Tibetans. Despite the fact they are experiencing a lot of hardships in their life, they are very particular about their rituals in the daily life. You can be a part of the same when you have the opportunity to spend a few days at their home.
The people in Tibet are very peaceful and religious. They respect one-another a lot. It would be a good option to try and follow Tibetan culture when you stay with a local family there. Since they are very sensitive about their beliefs and religions, any topics like Tibetan religion and politics are best avoided during your Tibet family stay.
Tibetans expect the tourists to be civilized and do not like to addressed directly by their name. They prefer using suffix like- “Ajog”, “La” and “Agyi”. Tibetans believe that Gods reside in the head and thus, get offended if someone touches them in their head. They do not like foreigners to take their photos without their permission. Since they are unique and beautiful, you may like to be photographed with them, but do not do so without their permission. They enjoy their privacy. Tibetan people don’t eat Horse, Donkey, Fish, Dog and Birds hence, do not eat them while you are on your Tibet family stay tour. Since the Tibetan people are very courteous, they might like to offer you a gift. Make sure that you do not receive the gift with one hand. He may think that you are ignorant, rude, and impolite.
Living with the locals will also provide you with a conducive environment to master the Tibetan language which has its letters from the ancient Buddhist scriptures. Many local families also offer to take you on a local Tibet tour around their area of residence, which can also be very fruitful. You can discover more about the current situation and Tibetan culture by attending the lectures given by the experienced and esteemed members of the Tibetan community.
However, do not forget that you may get much lesser facilities than what you are used when you opt for a family stay tour in Tibet. If you are willing to sacrifice and open to learning what this wonderful opportunity offers, then you will definitely take back amazing lifetime memories in your heart. Endure lifetime friendships with ever-smiling heart-warming Tibetan families.